Whether you’re an introvert, extrovert, or somewhere in between, you could benefit from a few tips before going to your first networking event. Networking is a great tool that will help you make connections with others in your industry as well as build relationships that will benefit both you and the people you are connecting with. Although a networking environment is a much more relaxed one than that of a job interview, it is still important to be just as prepared to tell your story.

There are a few things to remember, however, about the way you tell your story in a networking setting.

First, as mentioned before, networking is a lot more relaxed and casual than a situation like a job interview or giving a speech at a conference. When practicing your story for this situation, be sure that it matches the relaxed atmosphere of the environment you are in. Every time you tell your story, you’ll need to edit it to fit the intended audience.

Another important tip to remember is that networking is a two-way conversation. You are not there just to present your story, but to listen to others’ as well. Make sure you keep what you have to say short and to the point, but still leave in the most important or meaningful details. This will give others a window to talk as well. If you find that you connect well with the person you are talking to, you can interpret other pieces of your story that you may have left out of the initial telling later on in the conversation.

Finally, know that networking is not about meeting as many people as you possibly can, but making the most of the connections with those you do meet. Don’t rush things. Take time to not only tell your story but also get to know others, and you’ll soon develop the best connections you can.