If you’re like most people out there, the thought of public speaking probably makes you a bit nervous. However, it is a skill that you will most likely need to use at some point in your life.

Even if you don’t plan to give a speech anytime soon, becoming skilled at public speaking benefit you tremendously in job interviews, networking events, or even in basic socializations with friends and family. The level of confidence that you exude through your presence, body language, and tone of voice will make a huge difference in the way others take in your message.

So, how do you become a great public speaker? Practice, practice practice.

There’s no way you’ll show up confidently as a public speaker until you become comfortable with it. Almost no one is a natural public speaker, so in order to build up your skill you need to create your “stage presence”, then expose yourself to situations that require speaking to others.

The first thing to do is practice public speaking by yourself in your room. Record yourself on video and pay attention to your presence. Do you look confident or uncomfortable? Critique yourself and adjust as you go along.

When you’re ready, you can practice public speaking in front of others. This might mean first doing it in front of a few friends or family members. Once you’ve become comfortable with that, join a networking group or look for opportunities to speak on a panel somewhere. Slowly raise the “stakes” as you go along. Again, practice makes perfect. Once the nerves you feel start to dissipate, you’ll be able to focus on what matters: getting your story out there.