We’ve all experienced it: that feeling that we are no longer satisfied with where we are. It could be in the context of work, a relationship, a course of study, or even where we “are” physically in the world. We wish things were different. At the same time, the thought of changing these circumstances ourselves scares us, as we know it will require a push out of our comfort zone. We also may not know where to start.

We seek change, yet are intimidated by it. This is what causes us to feel “stuck”.

No one enjoys being in this position. Being unhappy and feeling powerless to change it can eventually lead to feelings of hopelessness and anxiety. We are the only ones who can change our circumstances. So how can we rid ourselves of this feeling of powerlessness?

The first step is to realize that no transition will be easy. Stepping outside of your comfort zone can be a scary thing. And yes, sometimes things get more difficult before they get better. It’s important to think of how things will be in the long run, though.

If you’re feeling unhappy and want things to change but don’t know where to start, try to narrow down the areas of your life that leave you unsatisfied. Spend some time reflecting on these areas, considering why they make you feel the way they do. What needs to change so you can be satisfied?

This reflection will help you envision a future where you are happy where you are. Once you have this future in mind, the process of working towards it can seem intimidating. However, remember that goals cannot be reached overnight. Instead, break down your path to reaching this goal into small steps. Once you do that, it will seem a lot less scary and you’ll likely feel more motivated to start.